Thursday, 10 April 2008

Limited Vision

Calisthenics on the river beach
is my reason to be there for
the dogs to roll in smelly debris,
scamper over rock and sand, stare
in fearful questioning, ears alert
at the duck drifting with his mate
quietly watching back they startle,
flee the waters leaving us wondering
at the hasty ripples on calm waters,
no wind to whip up superficial waves,
where the grey reflective river meets
a silvery cloud of sky descended to
a close horizon, hiding the other shore
where blue trees rise out of mist,
there where we desire to see out
to harbour's end and beyond,
the very sky hosting the sun
plays wool-gatherer with the clouds,
hiding from view what comes next--
future sailing or landed living.

1 comment:

Linda said...

I'm so glad to have seen the place of which you wrote, and if I hadn't, I would have seen it anyway in your poem.