Monday, 30 January 2006

a little Presbyterian boarding school

One walks into the sagging halls of a school that houses students as it has since the early 20th century. These chosen few hundred are Spanish speaking, yet not all from Mexico City alone. Grown children of many an adventurous parent, the eyes of these students give back silent pictures of glimmering hope, of glassy un-revealing, of dim but steady willingness to try--so many brown pools of livliness asking common ancient questions with a vision to know a brilliant future.
I tutor these boys and girls, though we have yet to understand one another.


Anonymous said...

"brown pools of livliness"
Dang, Kelly. That's right up there with "dripping curls".
Seriously, how long have you been tutoring? And what are you tutoring? And do you plan on learning some Spanish?

Matthew Stout said...

Sounds like a daughter of Isis has become Mother Teresa. Miss ya, ML Stout

Kermit and Elektra said...

I appreciate the love of my rhetorically long pen! ;)

I need rather tahn want to do the work of learning Spanish. Maybe if I find a good program, I'll sit down to it.

Kermit and Elektra said...

I appreciate the love of my rhetorically long pen! ;)

I need rather tahn want to do the work of learning Spanish. Maybe if I find a good program, I'll sit down to it.